How To Join SHSCU

To join Sydney High School Cadet Unit (SHSCU), you must:

  • Be enrolled as a student at Sydney Boys High School
  • Be a resident in Australia
  • Be a male aged between 13 to 18
  • Provide a statement from your family or medical practitioner showing that you are able to participate in cadet activites;
  • Must not be a member of any other cadet corps or the Australian Defence Force

If you wish to join SHSCU you should ask anyone in cadet uniform on Tuesday or go to the Orderly Room on a Tuesday (blue and brown door near the High Store).

Once you have asked a cadet about joining you will be given a form that must be filled in and returned as soon as possible.

Please note that joining SHSCU is a commitment both to the unit and to your fellow cadets. You must also talk to your parents about it as you are expected to turn up to each parade.