SRC Minutes 5/6/17


Auditions will be taking place for talent quest next week. All students interested in auditioning should look for posters around the school advertising the times for these auditions.
At the moment, it is unknown if SGHS will be joining us in Talent Quest this year. Contact has been made with the Girl’s school and we are open to holding a joint event. The SRC are currently planning for a Boys-only event in the case that SGHS does not participate.



Harry Wu is currently investigating the possibilities of installing hand dryers in the toilets. He has 3 proposals: paper towel, linen hand dryer and electric hand dryer. There will be an investigation into the initial cost and running cost of these proposals. If a reasonable option is found, the SRC may choose to pursue the installation of hand dryers in the toilets.



It has been brought to the SRC’s attention that some of the locks in the school toilets are not working properly. This issue has been raised in the past and there is little the SRC can do about for a number of reasons. This issue will be taken to the school council.



SRC Minutes 23/05/17

Senior Sports Uniform

  • A poll is up at of Monday morning and the results will be collected over the coming week

Lockers for juniors

  • The SRC is awaiting to contact Mr Cipolla and talk to Ms Powell about this issue

SRC Minutes 3/4/17

Talent Quest
Further developments made with Sydney Girls;
         The Talent Quest will be held most likely in Week 5, Term 2; venue still undecided
          Posters are being distributed soon/early Term 2
          A follow up round of posters will also be released closer to the date
Online suggestions box
The SRC online suggestion box is an important tool left mostly unused.
         The SRC will raise awareness of the box’s existence and significance through further advertising.
Water filter
Proposal drafted by the SRC to install water filter on UTS property.
          Further approval from staff members required before the SRC can proceed in confirming its future instalment
Senior Sport Uniform
All Year 10 members in favour of proceeding with implementing senior sports uniform.
          A vote will be held next term as to moving forward with this issue.
Locker placement/impracticalities
Locker placement has become fairly impractical for some Year 7s
          The SRC are following this up with Mr. Cipolla, enquiring as to whether students can change lockers.
Public Speaking Trophy
Some students wish to rename the school’s Public Speaking Trophy in honour of Mr Higgin’s recent passing.
         The SRC backs this concept but suggest Public Speakers themselves address this idea with the Public Speaking supervisor.

SRC Minutes 27/03/17

Junior Dance

  • The Junior Dance was held last Thursday. Although the tickets for this event were handed to the SRC three days before the event, 75 tickets were still sold by SBHS SRC


Year 8 Mental Health Charity

  • The SRC has decided that the charity for the Year 8 Barbecue would go towards is the “Black Dog Institute”

Minutes 20/3/17

SRC Minutes

Junior Dance

  • The annual SRC Junior Dance will be held this Thursday at the Sydney Girls Hall
  • SRC’s are distributing tickets this week and will be recording who buys the ticket (Name & Year)


Swimming Carnival

  • The GPS Swimming Carnival will be held this Friday


School Council Meeting

  • The School Council will be looking for the quotes for air conditioning units in both the junior library and room 901
  • They will also bring up the SRC’s water filter proposal to UTS


Sunscreen Stations

  • The Sunscreen Stations will be tested in the coming weeks in order to gauge whether or not the SRC will take further actions towards this initiative.

Minutes 13/3/17

Head of River

  • Posters have been put up to raise awareness for the event in order to increase the turnout for the event


Junior Dance

  • The theme for the Junior Dance will be “Sci-Fi” at SGHS Hall
  • Tickets have yet to be handed to SBHS SRC to be distributed amongst juniors


Water Filter

  • The SRC has agreed to work towards implementing a water filter in a new area of the school, in particular, suggestions have been made to put one inside the Gym

SRC Minutes 6/03/17

Air Conditioning Survey

Results from the air conditioning survey for the installation of air conditioners has come in. The top four rooms of the survey, in order, include 901, 401, 104 and 304.


Head of River

The annual Head of River event is going to be held on the 18th March. Permission notes for the transportation from school the venue will be handed around.


Junior Dance

The Junior Dance will be held on the 23rd March by the SRC at Sydney Girls High School. The tickets for this event will be distributed over the coming week.


Junior Quad Shaded Area

Suggestions for the implementation of shaded cloth in certain areas of the Junior Quad and also awning above the seats running along the building. The SRC will be looking into this in future weeks.


Senior Sports Uniform

A poll will be put up for the seniors in order to gauge opinions on whether they should be able to wear sports uniform on Wednesday during the whole day. The SRC will look more into if there is enough interest for the suggestion.


RESULTS – Air Conditioning Survey

Hi everyone, we know that many of you have been interested in the results of last week’s air conditioning survey. Thank you to all 507 students who responded, by giving up just one or two minutes each, we collected 1521 votes. So here are the top 20 rooms most in need of air conditioning:

-901: 107 votes
-104: 62 votes
-404: 61 votes
-304: 54 votes
-108: 52 votes
-209: 52 votes
-203: 48 votes
-302: 48 votes
-602: 48 votes
-301: 47 votes
-211: 46 votes
-107: 45 votes
-105: 44 votes
-603: 44 votes
-103: 43 votes
-401: 42 votes
-606: 42 votes
-207: 41 votes
-701: 41 votes
-208: 40 votes

LAST CHANCE – Air Conditioning Survey

Hi everyone, Today (Wednesday 1st March) will be your last chance to participate in the SRC air conditioning survey. If you would like to have input into where air conditioning units are placed around the school, please take the time to fill out this survey.
Access the survey here =>
You can also anonymously contact the SRC here =>

Minutes 27/02/17

SRC Constitution

Several changes have been made to the SRC Constitution regarding various topics including the structure, rules of debate, aims, etc. An updated version of the constitution will be available online at :


Security of Bags

The security of bags in various areas has been a problem that has been present over the previous years and the SRC is working on and taking suggestions to implement various measures to reduce the amount of thefts


Senior Sport Uniform

There has been large number of Year 10 students have suggested that they should be able to wear their sports uniform on Wednesdays for sport. The SRC will be polling and looking into the issues regarding this change.


Sunscreen Stations

The SRC has been approached to potentially implementing sunscreen stations providing free sunscreen to students around the school in order to encourage sun safety. The effectiveness of these sunscreen stations may be trailed over the next few weeks



There are a variety of suggestions from all year groups including school drama classes before/after school and more potential places for water filter. The SRC will be looking forward to reviewing these ideas and implementing them into the school.