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RESULTS – Air Conditioning Survey

Hi everyone, we know that many of you have been interested in the results of last week’s air conditioning survey. Thank you to all 507 students who responded, by giving up just one or two minutes each, we collected 1521 votes. So here are the top 20 rooms most in need of air conditioning:

-901: 107 votes
-104: 62 votes
-404: 61 votes
-304: 54 votes
-108: 52 votes
-209: 52 votes
-203: 48 votes
-302: 48 votes
-602: 48 votes
-301: 47 votes
-211: 46 votes
-107: 45 votes
-105: 44 votes
-603: 44 votes
-103: 43 votes
-401: 42 votes
-606: 42 votes
-207: 41 votes
-701: 41 votes
-208: 40 votes

LAST CHANCE – Air Conditioning Survey

Hi everyone, Today (Wednesday 1st March) will be your last chance to participate in the SRC air conditioning survey. If you would like to have input into where air conditioning units are placed around the school, please take the time to fill out this survey.
Access the survey here =>
You can also anonymously contact the SRC here =>

Minutes 27/02/17

SRC Constitution

Several changes have been made to the SRC Constitution regarding various topics including the structure, rules of debate, aims, etc. An updated version of the constitution will be available online at :


Security of Bags

The security of bags in various areas has been a problem that has been present over the previous years and the SRC is working on and taking suggestions to implement various measures to reduce the amount of thefts


Senior Sport Uniform

There has been large number of Year 10 students have suggested that they should be able to wear their sports uniform on Wednesdays for sport. The SRC will be polling and looking into the issues regarding this change.


Sunscreen Stations

The SRC has been approached to potentially implementing sunscreen stations providing free sunscreen to students around the school in order to encourage sun safety. The effectiveness of these sunscreen stations may be trailed over the next few weeks



There are a variety of suggestions from all year groups including school drama classes before/after school and more potential places for water filter. The SRC will be looking forward to reviewing these ideas and implementing them into the school.

Minutes 20/02/17

Air Conditioning

Due to the rising heat, the SRC will put up a poll so students are provided with the choice of which rooms should have new air conditional units installed. We encourage the entire to school to vote in so that there is no biased votes.


Junior Dance with Sydney Girls

The Annual Junior Dance will be the first combined SRC event this year with Sydney Girls High School. This will be held on a Thursday Evening from 7-9PM (23rd March). Our SRC’s primary role in this will be to publicise the event and distribute tickets to the juniors.


Sun Safety

The SRC is looking forward to implementing bucket hats as a part of the school uniform to provide more protection against the sun and encourage sun safety.


Future Events

Talent Quest

The Talent Quest will be held in term 2 and the SRC is looking to host a joint event with Sydney Girls

2017 SRC Members

Congratulations to all the students elected to be a part of the SRC! The Sydney High SRC 2017 comprises of the following people:

Year 7

  • Vince Li
  • Patrick Yi
  • Alexander Lee
  • Jack Keating
  • Joshua Suto
  • Paul Oh

Year 8

  • Rhys Shariff
  • Matthew Awad
  • Marcus Dimitriades
  • Jinghan Wu

Year 9

  • Alex Zhou
  • Joshua Zhang
  • Lachlan Ho
  • Yishan Shen

Year 10

  • Ryan Jepson
  • Varun Narayanan
  • Ryan Borges
  • Noah Casaclang

Year 11

  • Brandon Nguyen
  • Harjas Ahuja

Year 12

  • Sabesh Murugananthan
  • Kevin Cao
  • Dibyendu Roy
  • Jack Karnaghan


  • President– Jack Ralph
  • Vice President– Archie Fox
  • Secretary– Edmund Pan
  • Tech– Edison Dorahy

Minutes 28/11/16

This meeting at a glance: ID Card System, Event Dates 2017, Air-Conditioners

 ID Card System

Presenting ID card payment system to school council next week

Event Dates 2017

Dates yet to be confirmed for next years terms – possibly changing the date for trivia night


Possible air conditioner in the weights room – estimates from $3000 – $4000 for payment with installation

This would benefit all who use the room and encourage use of the weights room

Minutes 14/11/16

This meeting at a glance: ID Card System, Ping Pong Table, Senior Handball Courts, Event Dates 2017


The ID Card System has yet to advance in terms of its development and implementation into our school. The SRC is working on both the issues and logistics of the system.

Ping Pong Table

The SRC will be looking forward to implementing the Ping Pong Table and a suitable location for it to be placed.

Senior Handball Courts

The request for a handball court has been brought to the SRC. The SRC will be looking for locations in which to implement them.

Event Dates 2017

  • Junior Dance – 23rd May (Term 1 Week 8)
  • Talent Quest – 30th June (Term 2)
  • Trivia Night – TBD (Week 8 Term 3)

Note : Dates are subjected to change.

Minutes 24/10/16

This meeting at a glance: Pizza Day, Bucket Hats, Cashless ID Card System

Pizza Day

Due to a large amount of interest from the students, the SRC is working on making a Pizza Day much like last year’s Udon Day due to its success and overall positive feedback.

Bucket Hats

Bucket Hats were brought up from suggestions for it to be implemented into the high store . The SRC is looking towards making it.

Cashless ID Card System

The SRC is working on implementing a cashless ID card system that will make transactions at the counter and the canteen easier.

Minutes 17/09/16

This meeting at a glance: ID Cards, Table Tennis Tables


The SRC are currently working through to making the suggestion of a cashless card system onto the currently ID cards eliminating the need to hold large sums of cash.

Table Tennis Tables

A suggestion for a Table Tennis was brought up so it could be used during break times. Although there are still issues of the possible location and the maintenance of it, The SRC will be looking to put funding towards it in the future.