Minutes 29/2/16

Possible places for the water filter

Recently the SRC has received positive feedback for another water filter which we thought could situate in the 300’s building, replacing the sink in the corridor. Another possible location was the stairwell leading up to the Art rooms 

Head of the River

Head of the River posters are up and everyone is advised to hand back the permission slips as soon as possible as bus seats are limited.
The SRC is going to make an information sheet explaining on how to get to Head of the River (SIRC) through public transport. A reminder that full school uniform are to be worn on that day.

GPS Swimming Carnival

The GPS swimming carnival is going to be held on the 18th March at Sydney Aquatic Centre and everyone should attend to support the High swimmers. Award scheme points apply. 

Junior Dance

This year the Junior dance will be held on Tuesday 22nd March at the SGHS hall. SRC members will be selling tickets once they become available. This year’s theme will be Blast from the past, B.C.

Handball Courts

The SRC are going to extend the two handball courts on the flats outside the high store allowing more seniors to play handball during breaks.

Bee and Wasps

  • The beehive at the basketball courts is now gone.
  • The beehive on Anzac Parade will be not be a problem for much longer as in a few weeks as Centennial Parklands are going to be having construction in that area. 

Mosquitoes in the in the handball courts

There are concerns about mosquitoes in the handball courts but they should be gone after the summer season

Poll On School Uniform

There is a poll around on whether students should be allowed to wear sport uniform to get on the school buses. If lots of interest is shown, students could be allowed to wear their PE polo shirts on buses after Wednesday sport

Library Open After School

There have been interest in having the School Library or rooms free after school for study and the SRC are going to talk with the librarians to see if we can have the library still open after school.


The last time the 29th of February landed on a Monday was in 1988!